Covid19 Tracking Website Using PHP PDO(Prepare Statement) Version 1.0.0

=== admin ===

-Has its own login.

-When you enter the admin you will go to the dashboard immediately.

-So he can add annoucement to edit and delete.

-It can remove the user from its own login or Active / Deactive account.

-Everyone who sends a message to the admin will only see it.

-Everyone who logs in and logs out of the user section is the only admin who can see it in his logged history and IP and used computer / laptop name and your username.

-Only admin can create another account to access the admin section and change his profile picture.

-He can also see in his header "my profile" with a picture of him.

-He can also change his own password if he wants to change it again.

-And of course logout.

=== User===

-Has its own login.

-With register form

-With Login form

-In the result-info here you can see the output of the data you put all in the registry it generates its own qrcode and the info is in the identification id.

-You can immediately put your own identification id as a picture and you can see it, save it, print it and qrcode you can download it and scan it.

->Note !, if you accidentally lost the identification id, your qrcode image you can still get it back as long as you log in using your own account created.

-When you log in using your own account information you will only see in the user dashboard you will not see other members.

-In the annoucement and you can send your message to the admin.

-In your manage ID here you will find your copy qrcode and identification id that you can download and print again

-He can also see in his header "my profile" with a picture of him.

-He can also change his own password if he wants to change it again.

-And of course logout.

===========FRONT END===============







===========BACK END===============




===========FOR DATABASE================

-XAMPP(MARIADB) Version 7.3 up

-If you want to know you watch it :

-It is not free the whole sourcecode if you want to buy it you can contact me here on my facebook account.

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 for cheap price, please contact me.

-or smart number: 09991050748
