CRUD using Express.js and Mysql Database

What is Express JS?

Express.js or simply Express is a back end web application framework for 

Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT Licence. 

It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the 

de facto standard server framework for Node.js

=====Back End=======

-Express JS
-Mysql Database


if you want to try it you fetch database data, insert, update, and delete you must have "Postman" to run it express.js

How to start "Express" using command please follow the guide below?

- First of all put it in command "npm init" or "npm init -y"
-Second  install "npm i express"
-Third is go to package.json then change the "test" script into a
   "start": node index";
   "dev": "nodemon index"

-Fourth install "npm i mysql"

-If you want to not run again and again over the command install it bellow:
 "npm i -d nodemon"

-After you configure index.js by calling the port and db connection try 

running it using it below:

"npm run dev"

-Complete Sourcecode without Error Please support always this blog for 

more updates.

Database: express_crud.sql

Contact # : 09991050748 ->SMART

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