Client Management Record Using PHP/Mysqli(OOP)


-Every organization exists to achieve its goals.
-To make their efforts countable and authentic in real world,
-This Client management record is a storing information data came from all clients
-This is very important to track how many client that you have.
-Admin have ability to create new account for new authorized person to manage this record for client.
-This is totaly not finish too.
-Without error code

-Try to use  this for (guide/references).
-Please comment below if you like this post 
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-Add new Account
-View Account with Edit/Delete
-Add Client
-View Client with Edit/Delete
-Contacts under construction


-Go to login_users table
then used Email address and Password


framework:materializecss Bootstrap


Link Download:

-Database:  personal_dev.sql

Contact # : 09991050748 ->SMART
for more info please contact my number.
